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Bates, S., Petrokofsky, G., Hemery, G. and Dandy, N., 2024. How to recognise a healthy forest: Perspectives from private forest managers in Britain. Forest Policy and Economics, 158, p.103120.

Ambrose-Oji, B., Urquhart, J., Hemery, G., Petrokofsky, G., O’Brien, L., Jones, G.D. and Karlsdóttir, B., 2024. The opportunities and challenges to co-designing policy options for tree health with policy makers, researchers and land managers. Land Use Policy, 136, p.106974.

Petrokofsky, G., Dunn, M., Edwards, D., Harvey, W.J., Hemery, G.E., Marshall, H., McConnachie, S., Petrokofsky, L., Watts, K., Ambrose-Oji, B. 2024. Development of a Tool for Navigating the Evidence concerning Land Managers and Woodland Creation in the United Kingdom. Forests, 15, 299.

Tew, E.R., Ambrose-Oji, B., ... Petrokofsky, G., ... Sutherland, W.J. 2023. A horizon scan of issues affecting UK forest management within 50 years, Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research,

Torreggiani, I, Geurds, A., Harvey, W.J., 2023. Along the River Flow: Human Resilience in Fluvial Environments in Pre-Hispanic Central Nicaragua. In: Elkin, D., & Delaere, C. (Eds). Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America. University Press of Florida. Gainesville. ISBN 978-0-8130-6982-1

Päivinen, R., Petrokofsky, G., Harvey, W.J., Petrokofsky, L., Puttonen, P., Kangas, J., Mikkola, E., Byholm, L. and Käär, L., 2023. State of forest research in 2010s–a bibliographic study with special reference to Finland, Sweden and Austria. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, pp.1-16.

Stanturf, J.,  Harvey, W., Petrokofsky, G., Darabant, A., Petrokofsky, L., Adhikari, S. et al. 2023. Forest Related Nature-Based Solutions – Review of terms and concepts – from afforestation to forest landscape restoration. Report to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV). International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Vienna, Austria. IUFRO Occasional Paper 36.

Harvey, W.J., Petrokofsky, L., Malik, A., Carter, T., Wade, L.S., Jordon, M., and Petrokofsky, G. 2022. Report on Animal Welfare of Dairy Cows in Indoor Loose Range Housing: A Systematic Review.

Frampton, G., Whaley, P., Bennett, M., Bilotta, G., Dorne, J.L., Eales, J., James, K., Kohl, C., Land, M., Livoreil, B., Makowski, D., Muchiri, E., Petrokofsky, G., Randall, N., Schofield, K., 2022. Principles and framework for assessing the risk of bias for studies included in comparative quantitative environmental systematic reviews, Environmental Evidence, 11(1), 1-23,

Jordon, M., Willis, K.J., Bürkner, P.C. and Petrokofsky, G., 2022. Rotational grazing and multispecies herbal leys increase productivity in temperate pastoral systems–A meta-analysis, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 337, 108075,

Jordon, M., Willis, K.J., Bürkner, P.C., Haddaway, N.R., Smith, P. and Petrokofsky, G., 2022. Temperate Regenerative Agriculture practices increase soil carbon but not crop yield–a meta-analysis, Environmental Research Letters,

Jordon, M., Smith, P., Long, P.R., Bürkner, P.C., Petrokofsky, G. and Willis, K.J., 2022. Can Regenerative Agriculture increase national soil carbon stocks? Simulated country-scale adoption of reduced tillage, cover cropping, and ley-arable integration using RothC, Science of the Total Environment 825, 153955,

Jordon, M., Willis, K., Bürkner, P.C., Haddaway, N., Smith, P. and Petrokofsky, G., 2022. Temperate Regenerative Agriculture; a win-win for soil carbon and crop yield?,

Petrokofsky, G., Harvey, W. J., Petrokofsky, L. and Ochieng, C. A., 2021. The Importance of Time-Saving as a Factor in Transitioning from Woodfuel to Modern Cooking Energy Services: A Systematic Map. Forests, 12(9), p.1149.

Harvey, W. J., Petrokofsky, G., Stansell, N., Nogué, S., Petrokofsky, L. and Willis, K. J., 2021. Forests, Water, and Land Use Change across the Central American Isthmus: Mapping the Evidence Base for Terrestrial Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Proxies. Forests, 12(8), p.1057.

Harvey, W. J., Nogué, S., Stansell, N., Adolf, C., Long, P. R. and Willis, K.J, 2021. A palynological perspective on the impacts of European contact: Historic deforestation, ranching and agriculture surrounding the Cuchumatanes Highlands, Guatemala. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 30(3), pp.395-408.

Petrokofsky, G., Hooper, O., Petrokofsky, L., Gant, A. E., Harvey, W. J. and Willis, K. J., 2021. What are the impacts of the wood pellet industry on biodiversity in Southeastern USA? A systematic evidence synthesis. Forest Ecology and Management, 483, p.118773.

Petrokofsky, G. and Jennings, S., 2021. The effectiveness of standards in driving adoption of sustainability practices: A State of Knowledge Review.

Jordon, M., Willis, K.J, Bürkner, P.C., Haddaway, N., Smith, P. and Petrokofsky, G., 2021. Temperate Regenerative Agriculture; a win-win for soil carbon and crop yield?. DOI:10.21203/

Petrokofsky, G. and Savilaakso, S., 2021. The Value of Systematic Evidence Synthesis in Forestry, Land Use and Development to Improve Research, Decision-Making and Practice.

Kimanzu, N., Schulte-Herbrüggen, B., Clendenning, J., Chiwona-Karltun, L., Krogseng, K. and Petrokofsky, G., 2021. What Is the Evidence Base Linking Gender with Access to Forests and Use of Forest Resources for Food Security in Low-and Middle-Income Countries? A Systematic Evidence Map. Forests, 12(8), p.1096.

Carr, J. A., Petrokofsky, G., Spracklen, D. V., Lewis, D. L., Roe, D., Trull, N., Vidal, A., Wicander, S., Worthington-Hill, J., Sallu, S. M. (2021) Anticipated impacts of achieving SDG targets on forests - a review. Forest Policy and Economics. 126.

Ojanen, M., Brockhaus, M., Korhonen-Kurki, K., & Petrokofsky, G. (2021) Navigating the science-policy interface: Forest researcher perspectives. Environmental Science & Policy. 118, 10-17. 


Jordon, M. W., Willis, K. J., Harvey, W. J, Petrokofsky, L., Petrokofsky, G. (2020) Implications of Temperate Agroforestry on Sheep and Cattle Productivity, Environmental Impacts and Enterprise Economics. A Systematic Evidence Map. Forests. 11(12):1321.

Hemery, G., Petrokofsky, G., Ambrose-Oji, B., Forster, J., Hemery, T., & O’Brien, L., (2020). Awareness, action, and aspirations in the forestry sector in responding to environmental change: Report of the British Woodlands Survey 2020. 33pp.

Haddaway, N.R., Bethel, A., Dicks, L.V., Koricheva, J., Macura, B., Petrokofsky, G., Pullin, A.S., Savilaakso, S. & Stewart, G.B.  Eight problems with literature reviews and how to fix them. Nat Ecol Evol (2020).

Arton, A., Leiman, A., Petrokofsky, G., Toonen, H., & Longo, C. S. (2020). What do we know about the impacts of the Marine Stewardship Council seafood ecolabelling program? A systematic map. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 9, Issue 1). environmentalevidencejournal

Ambrose-Oji, B., Atkinson, M., Petrokofsky, G., & Hemery, G. (2020). Do Environmental Worldviews and Distrust Influence Action for Adaptation to Environmental Change Among Small-Scale Woodland Managers? Small-Scale Forestry, 19(2), 159–185.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, W. J., & Petrokofsky, G. (2020). Evidence map of studies on modern energy cooking systems and related initiatives (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, W. J., & Petrokofsky, G. (2020, August 10). Evidence map of studies on modern energy cooking systems and related initiatives (Version 1.1). Zenodo.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, W. J., Hooper, O., Gant, A. E., Willis, K. J., &  Petrokofsky, G. (2020). Impacts of wood pellet industry in Southeastern USA (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, W. J., Hooper, O., Gant, A. E., Willis, K. J., &  Petrokofsky, G. (2020, July 29). Impacts of wood pellet industry in Southeastern USA (Version 1.1). Zenodo.

Stansell, N. D., Steinman, B. A., Lachniet, M. S., Feller, J., Harvey, W. J., Fernandez, A., Shea, C. J., Price, B., Coenen, J., Boes, M., & Perdziola, S. (2020). A lake sediment stable isotope record of late-middle to late Holocene hydroclimate variability in the western Guatemala highlands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, F., Petrokofsky, G. & Harvey, W. J. (2020). Wood pellet plants in Southeastern USA (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Petrokofsky, L., Harvey, F., Petrokofsky, G., & Harvey, W. J. (2020, May 28). Wood pellet plants in Southeastern USA (Version 1.1). Zenodo.

Hemery, G., Hurst, J., Petrokofsky, G., (2019). Bringing children closer to nature: report of a survey on Forest School and outdoor learning in England. 23pp.

Harvey, W. J., Stansell, N., Nogué, S., & Willis, K. J. (2019). The Apparent Resilience of the Dry Tropical Forests of the Nicaraguan Region of the Central American Dry Corridor to Variations in Climate Over the Last C. 1200 Years. Quaternary, 2(3), 25.

Harvey, W. J., Nogué, S., Stansell, N., Petrokofsky, G., Steinman, B. and Willis, K. J., 2019. The Legacy of Pre–Columbian Fire on the Pine–Oak Forests of Upland Guatemala. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, p.34.

Harvey, W. J., Nogué, S., Stansell, N., Petrokofsky, G., Steinman, B., & Willis, K. J. (2019). Corrigendum: The Legacy of Pre–Columbian Fire on the Pine–Oak Forests of Upland Guatemala. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2.

Colombaroli, D., Mistry, J., Milner, A., Vannière, B., Adolf, C., Bilbao, B., Carcaillet, C., Connor, S., Daniau, A., Hawthorne, D., Jeffers, E., Larson, E., Petrokofsky, G., Power, M., Sinnadurai, P., Berrio, J., Cassino, R., Gildeeva, O., Grosvenor, M., Walsh, A. (2019). Diverse knowledge informing fire policy and biodiversity conservation. DiverseK Policy Brief. In Royal Holloway University of London, UK.

Eales, J., Haddaway, N. R., Bernes, C., Cooke, S. J., Jonsson, B. G., Kouki, J., Petrokofsky, G., & Taylor, J. J. (2018). What is the effect of prescribed burning in temperate and boreal forest on biodiversity, beyond pyrophilous and saproxylic species? A systematic review. Environmental Evidence, 7(1).

Arton, A., Leiman, A., Petrokofsky, G., Toonen, H., Neat, F., & Longo, C. S. (2018). What do we know about the impacts of the Marine Stewardship Council seafood ecolabelling program? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 7(1).

Field, E., Petrokofsky, G., & Koricheva, J. (2018). What are the impacts of mixed forest stands on forest pathogens? A systematic review protocol. In (Issue January, pp. 1–17).

Gumbo, D., Clendenning, J., Martius, C., Moombe, K., Grundy, I., Nasi, R., Mumba, K. Y., Ribeiro, N., Kabwe, G., & Petrokofsky, G. (2018). How have carbon stocks in central and southern Africa’s miombo woodlands changed over the last 50 years? A systematic map of the evidence. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 7, Issue 1). Springer.

Eales, J., Haddaway, N., Bernes, C., Cooke, S., Jonsson, B.-G., Kouki, J., Petrokofsky, G., & Taylor, J. (2018). How does prescribed burning in temperate and boreal forests affect biodiversity? … 5th European Congress

Petrokofsky, G., & Hemery, G. (2018). British Woodlands Survey: a case study of long‐term engagement between science, policy and practice. In Tools for improving science ….

Petrokofsky, G., & Jennings, S. (2018). A State of Knowledge Review (Issue March).

Chiwona-Karltun, L., Kimanzu, N., Clendenning, J., Lodin, J. B., Ellingson, C., Lidestav, G., Mkwambisi, D., Mwangi, E., Nhantumbo, I., Ochieng, C., Petrokofsky, G., & Sartas, M. (2017). What is the evidence that gender affects access to and use of forest assets for food security? A systematic map protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1–10). Environmentalevidencejournal

Ojanen, M., Zhou, W., Miller, D. C., Nieto, S. H., Mshale, B., & Petrokofsky, G. (2017). What are the environmental impacts of property rights regimes in forests, fisheries and rangelands? In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 6, Issue 1). Springer.

Reed, J., van Vianen, J., Foli, S., Clendenning, J., Yang, K., MacDonald, M., Petrokofsky, G., Padoch, C., & Sunderland, T. (2017). Trees for life: The ecosystem service contribution of trees to food production and livelihoods in the tropics. In Forest Policy and Economics (Vol. 84, pp. 62–71). Elsevier.

Willis, K. J., & Petrokofsky, G. (2017). The natural capital of city trees. Science, 356(6336), 374–376.

Sola, P., Cerutti, P. O., Zhou, W., Gautier, D., Iiyama, M., Shure, J., Chenevoy, A., Yila, J., Dufe, V., Nasi, R., Petrokofsky, G., & Shepherd, G. (2017). The environmental, socioeconomic, and health impacts of woodfuel value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic map. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 6, Issue 1). Springer.

Livoreil, B., Glanville, J., Haddaway, N. R., Bayliss, H., Bethel, A., De Lachapelle, F. F., Robalino, S., Savilaakso, S., Zhou, W., Petrokofsky, G., & Frampton, G. (2017). Systematic searching for environmental evidence using multiple tools and sources. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 6, Issue 1). environmentalevidencejournal ….

Martin, A. C., Jeffers, E. S., Petrokofsky, G., Myers-Smith, I., & MacIas-Fauria, M. (2017). Shrub growth and expansion in the Arctic tundra: An assessment of controlling factors using an evidence-based approach. Environmental Research Letters, 12(8).

Frampton, G. K., Livoreil, B., & Petrokofsky, G. (2017). Eligibility screening in evidence synthesis of environmental management topics. Environmental Evidence, 6(1).

Savilaakso, S., & Petrokofsky, G. (2017). Certification systems for verifying carbon trading from forestry and other land uses and their effectiveness to deliver non-carbon benefits. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 12, 2–7.

Martin, A. C., & Harvey, W. J. (2017). The Global Pollen Project: a new tool for pollen identification and the dissemination of physical reference collections. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(7), 892–897.

Martin, A. C., & Harvey, W. J. (2017, January 26). Global Pollen Project v1.0 (Version v1.0). Zenodo.

Thorn, J. P. R., Friedman, R., Benz, D., Willis, K. J., & Petrokofsky, G. (2016). What evidence exists for the effectiveness of on-farm conservation land management strategies for preserving ecosystem services in developing countries? A systematic map. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 5, Issue 1). Springer.

Pullin, A., Frampton, G., Jongman, R., Kohl, C., Livoreil, B., Lux, A., Pataki, G., Petrokofsky, G., Podhora, A., Saarikoski, H., Santamaria, L., Schindler, S., Sousa-Pinto, I., Vandewalle, M., & Wittmer, H. (2016). Selecting appropriate methods of knowledge synthesis to inform biodiversity policy. In Biodiversity and Conservation (Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp. 1285–1300). Springer.

Nogué, S., Long, P. R., Eycott, A. E., de Nascimento, L., Fernández-Palacios, J. M., Petrokofsky, G., Vandvik, V., & Willis, K. J. (2016). Pollination service delivery for European crops: Challenges and opportunities. Ecological Economics, 128, 1–7.

Cerutti, P. O., Sola, P., Chenevoy, A., Iiyama, M., Yila, J., Zhou, W., Djoudi, H., Atyi, R. E. A., Gautier, D. J., Gumbo, D., Kuehl, Y., Levang, P., Martius, C., Matthews, R., Nasi, R., Neufeldt, H., Njenga, M., Petrokofsky, G., Saunders, M., … Van Noordwijk, M. (2015). The socioeconomic and environmental impacts of wood energy value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic map protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 4, Issue 1). environmentalevidencejournal

Ojanen, M., Zhou, W. E. N., Durey, L., Miller, D. C., Nieto, S. U. E. H., Mwangi, E., & Petrokofsky, G. (2015). Preliminary Findings from a Systematic Review on the Environmental Impacts of Different Property Regimes in Forests, FIsheries and Rangelands. In World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty (p. 41).

Ojanen, M., Mshale, B., Zhou, W., Nieto, S. H., Durey, L., Daniel, C., Mwangi, E., & Petrokofsky, G. (2015). Linking forest tenure rights to environmental impacts in forests, fisheries and rangelands. In XIV World Forestry Congress (Issue September).

Boshier, D., Broadhurst, L., Cornelius, J., Gallo, L., Koskela, J., Loo, J., Petrokofsky, G., & St Clair, B. (2015). Is local best? Examining the evidence for local adaptation in trees and its scale. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Springer.

Thorn, J., Snaddon, J., Waldron, A., Kok, K., Zhou, W., Bhagwat, S., Willis, K., & Petrokofsky, G. (2015). How effective are on-farm conservation land management strategies for preserving ecosystem services in developing countries? A systematic map protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Springer.

Petrokofsky, G., Sist, P., Blanc, L., Doucet, J. L., Finegan, B., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Healey, J. R., Livoreil, B., Nasi, R., Peña-Claros, M., Putz, F. E., & Zhou, W. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of silvicultural interventions for increasing timber production and sustaining conservation values in natural tropical production forests. A systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Springer.

Petrokofsky, G., Kanowski, P., Brown, N.D. and McDermott, C., 2015. Biodiversity and the forestry sector. Pp. 32-60. In Gasparatos, A., & Willis, K. J. (eds). Biodiversity in the green economy. Biodiversity in the Green Economy,

Roe, D., Booker, F., Day, M., Zhou, W., Allebone-Webb, S., Hill, N. A. O., Kumpel, N., Petrokofsky, G., Redford, K., Russell, D., Shepherd, G., Wright, J., & Sunderland, T. C. H. (2015). Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements? In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Springer.

Ojanen, M., Miller, D. C., Zhou, W., Mshale, B., Mwangi, E., & Petrokofsky, G. (2014). What are the environmental impacts of property rights regimes in forests, fisheries and rangelands? a systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 3, Issue 1).

Foli, S., Reed, J., Clendenning, J., Petrokofsky, G., Padoch, C., & Sunderland, T. (2014). To what extent does the presence of forests and trees contribute to food production in humid and dry forest landscapes?: A systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 3, Issue 1). Springer.

Syampungani, S., Clendenning, J., Gumbo, D., Nasi, R., Moombe, K., Chirwa, P., Ribeiro, N., Grundy, I., Matakala, N., Martius, C., Kaliwile, M., Kabwe, G., & Petrokofsky, G. (2014). The impact of land use and cover change on above and below-ground carbon stocks of the miombo woodlands since the 1950s: A systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 3, Issue 1). Springer.

Randalls, S., & Petrokofsky, G. (2014). Saws, sonar and submersibles: Expectations of/for underwater logging. Geoforum, 52, 216–225.

Savilaakso, S., Petrokofsky, G., Zrust, M., & Guariguata, M. R. (2014). Palm oil and biodiversity. In CIFOR brief info.

Foli, S., Reed, J., Clendenning, J., Petrokofsky, G., et al. (2014). Exploring the dynamics between forests, ecosystem services and food production: A systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence.

Godfray, H. C. J., Blacquière, T., Field, L. M., Hails, R. S., Petrokofsky, G., Potts, S. G., Raine, N. E., Vanbergen, A. J., & McLean, A. R. (2014). A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning neonicotinoid insecticides and insect pollinators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1786).

Petrokofsky, G. (2013). Overview of evidence-based decision-making. In Citeseer.

Sayer, J., Byron, N., Petrokofsky, G., Shannon, M. and Arts, B.J.M., 2013. Sustainable forests. Routledge/Earthscan.

Petrokofsky, G., Brown, N. D., & Hemery, G. E. (2013). Matching a scientific knowledge base with stakeholders’ needs. The T10Q project as a case study for forestry. Forest Policy and Economics, 37, 29–36.

Shannon, M., Arts, B. J. M., Teplyakov, V., Petrokofsky, G. et al. (2013). Introduction: Forest Policy, Economics and Governance. In Sustainable Forests.

Petrokofsky, G., Avery, B. E., Creighton, J., Johnson, J., et al. (2013). Evidence Based Review Workshop for Forestry: Introduction & practical guidance on systematic reviews.

Nicholls, D., Young, M., Hemery, G., Petrokofsky, G., & Yeomans, A. (2013). British Woodlands 2012: a national survey of woodland owners. In Royal Institute of Chartered … (p. 48).

Snaddon, J., Petrokofsky, G., Jepson, P., & Willis, K. J. (2013). Biodiversity technologies: Tools as change agents. In Biology Letters (Vol. 9, Issue 1).

Godfray, H. C. J., Donnelly, C. A., Kao, R. R., Macdonald, D. W., McDonald, R. A., Petrokofsky, G., Wood, J. L. N., Woodroffe, R., Young, D. B., & McLean, A. R. (2013). A restatement of the natural science evidence base relevant to the control of bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1768).

Petrokofsky, G., Kanamaru, H., Achard, F., Goetz, S. J., Joosten, H., Holmgren, P., Lehtonen, A., Menton, M. C., Pullin, A. S., & Wattenbach, M. (2012). Comparison of methods for measuring and assessing carbon stocks and carbon stock changes in terrestrial carbon pools. How do the accuracy and precision of current methods compare? A systematic review protocol. In Environmental Evidence (Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 6). Exercice en cours pour établir une ….

Petrokofsky, G., Holmgren, P., & Brown, N. D. (2011). Reliable forest carbon monitoring - Systematic reviews as a tool for validating the knowledge base. International Forestry Review, 13(1), 56–66.

Päivinen, R., Burley, J., Landis, E., Mills, R., Petrokofsky, G., et al. (2011). Global Forest Information Service: creating a common vision. In Global Forest Information Service: creating a common vision.

Petrokofsky, G., Brown, N. D., Hemery, G. E., Woodward, S., Wilson, E., Weatherall, A., Stokes, V., Smithers, R. J., Sangster, M., Russell, K., Pullin, A. S., Price, C., Morecroft, M., Malins, M., Lawrence, A., Kirby, K. J., Godbold, D., Charman, E., Boshier, D., … Arnold, J. E. M. (2010). A participatory process for identifying and prioritizing policy-relevant research questions in natural resource management: A case study from the UK forestry sector. Forestry, 83(4), 357–367.

Petrokofsky, G., & Mills, R. (2009). The role of librarians and information specialists in evidence-based forestry. In CFM 2009, 13th World Forestry Congress … (Issue October, pp. 18–23).

Petrokofsky, G., Hemery, G., & Brown, N. D. (2008). KNOWLEDGE FEEDS DECISION MAKING. In Quarterly Journal of Forestry.

Petrokofsky, G. (2008). Background to evidence based policy.

Pasiecznik, N. M., & Petrokofsky, G. (2005). Forestry research in the balance? Trends in the published literature 1939–2005. In Proceedings of the XXII IUFRO World Congress.

Neenan, P., Edge, P., Petrokofsky, G., et al. (2000). Using information technology to meet changing knowledge needs in forestry. Forests and Society

Päivinen, R., Reynolds, J., Landis, E., Martin, M., Petrokofsky, G., Reynolds, J., Paivinen, R., et al., (2000). IUFRO Task Force Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) for improving access to information on forests. Forests and Society

Päivinen, R., Landis, E., Mills, R., Petrokofsky, G., et al. (2000). Global Forest Information Service: Improved access to information on forests. In Proceedings of the ….

Päivinen, R., Iremonger, S., Kapos, V., Landis, E., Mills, R., Petrokofsky, G., Richards, T., & and Schuck, A. (1998). Better access to information on forests. In … on Research and … (Issue September).

Finlayson, B., & Petrokofsky, G. (1994). LISBETH GOMBRICH 1907-1994. In The Commonwealth Forestry Review. JSTOR.

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